Safe Alternatives To the Vitamin K Shot

by Launi on March 8, 2025

in Uncategorized

Easy alternatives to Injectable Vitamin K

There are several alternatives to the shot, and they are very easy and low risk. One of the best-studied ways of supplementing vitamin K is:

– Vitamin K Drops.

well-done study in Denmark showed that supplementation with 1mg vitamin K via oral drops once per week was just as effective as the vitamin K shot at birth for preventing vitamin K deficient bleeding. Giving these drops is easy – just one drop per week directly into the mouth or bottle is all it takes. Bio-K-Mulsion by Biotics Research is a good one, if you have another brand in mind, just ask your doctor or midwife first to make sure it’s the right product and that it comes from a reputable source.

~Dr. Aylin Ozdemir

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