Bethany & Thayne
Hi Launi!
This is Bethany—I took your HypnoBirthing class a few months ago. I just wanted to let you know that our sweet little girl, Corinne Anne, was born Friday, May 20th at 8:06am, and that the birth was amazing!
I labored pretty comfortably at home for 4 hours, got to the hospital and was 8.5 cm dilated (I wasn’t even sure if I needed to go to the hospital then—I didn’t think the surges were as uncomfortable as they were ‘supposed’ to be when in advanced labor :). I was able to walk from the triage room to the labor/delivery room (with one pause for a surge), and Corinne was born less than an hour later! They finished admitting us after baby came! 🙂
It was an amazing experience, and I am so grateful that everything went so smoothly! The recovery was great–I didn’t tear badly enough to require stitches, and I’ve been advocating natural birth and HypnoBirthing ever since! 🙂
Thank you!!
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