Corinne & Tyler

At my 36 week checkup the dr told me I was dilated to a 1 and the baby was head down. At the next weeks appointment, my actual dr, told us I was dilated to a 2 but that he wasn’t sure he was feeling a head, so we did a quick ultrasound. Sure enough his head was up. I also had developed some high blood pressure in the past weeks. We started talking options which basically included a c-section or ECV. Neither sounded appealing so I figred we would just flip him ourselves. I tried the methods you e-mailed us about. We talked to him asking him to move. I kept up with my visualizations. Everyone who had been negative about my going natural now went after the c-section process and talked up the natural process. Oh people and their opinions… Anyways, we being religious people also turned to prayer and scripture study. The more we thought about it the more the c-section seemed right (which seems wrong lol) but I couldn’t deny that I knew it was what we would have to do. I was so bummed!!
Our c-section was scheduled for Friday the 25th. Our little boy was still breech that morning so we prepped for the surgery. i was terribly nervous, but my sweet husband stood next to me descibing the lake I envision during the bubble script. That got me through all the poking and prodding. When it was time for my spinal, I went back to my lake. I only felt a litle pressure.
Laying on that table was probably the scariest thing I have ever done and despite my shaking on the outside, I was calm on the inside and I knew I would be ok as would my baby. I repeated things in my head about having a healthy baby and a safe surgery. My dr is excellent and was quick. My baby came our quiet and calm, When they weighed him (we were expecting a low weight because he was almost 2 weeks early) he was 7lbs 3oz. 18.5 inches long! There was nothing wrong with his breathing and my husband was able to stay with him and help with his bath.

I got to meet him an hour later after recovery. I asked to start breast feeding and he latched on right away! He has been an excellent feeder since. He also sleeps amazingly! He is not a fussy baby and only makes small cries if I am late for feeding him or his diaper is wet. I honestly can’t believe how well behaved this newborn is! Well, actually I can. I know it is because I spent so much time being calm and relaxed and reciting those affirmations. I even made up new ones once I knew I was going with the csection.
As I was being sewn up my dr made a discovery. I have what is called a bicornuate uterus, meaning basically there are two chambers to my uterus. My baby was squeezed into the right side. Now I knew why I went with the c-section, had we tried to turn him it wouldn’t have worked and we would have just stressed him out. Also, having this kind of uterus is apparently a bit more high risk. Especially when it comes to pre-term labor, which I had none of. My Doctor could not believe I had such a fabulous pregnancy considering my odds. I know it was because of your class!
I also wanted to give you a little info on the AF hospital that I found pleasantly surprising. First of all they are advocates for skin to skin contact, they even have a pamplet about it. They encourage it for all mothers (expect c-sections obviously lol) but still once they brought him to me they had me do that. Also, while they bathed him and checked hom over they asked tyler to hold his hands or head to keep that contact. I found them to be quite gentle with our baby which I loved. The nurses mentioned checking my vitals, but did not ever wake me to do so. They completely respected our space and time with the baby, they would NEVER interrupt a feeding to do anything to me or him. They were also very supportive of any decision we made. We had our little boy circumcised, the dr doing the procedure told us that at AF hospital it is required that they numb the baby. i think hypnobirthing moms will feel great about delivering at this hospital.
Before all this drama started I asked about hypnobirthing to my dr and he said that all the drs in the valley OBGYN practice were supportive of it. I saw Dr. Ollerton throughout my pregnancy.
I’m sad I couldn’t go the natural route and use the hypnobirthing, but I’m happy that I still felt so prepared for this delivery and was able to be calm about my special circumstances. I am healing super fast and loving having this sweet baby boy, we named him Sawyer.
Thank you for all the great info we learned from your class. We reccomend it to everyone we know!
Corinne and Tyler
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