Andrew and Danette


I just wanted to thank you for all your help with the HypnoBirthing. I really enjoyed your class. I learned a lot. I wish I would have taken the class with my first baby.

I wouldn’t have had the birth experience that I had if I hadn’t taken your class. My experience was the best I have had. With it being my fourth baby I have had plenty of experience.

I went into labor the night of the 18th of May around eight. The first four hours were good. I played cards and had fun. After the four hours the surges were getting stronger so we decided to head to the hospital. I was at a four. They were really getting strong and it was really hard to concentrate because of all the checking to make sure I was really in labor. Once they decided I was in labor which was about two hours later, I was able to get a room. I went straight to the jacuzzi tub. Once there I listened to my birthing cd and was able to relax.

The last hour or so was hard for me because he was posterior. I wasn’t sure how to deal with the back labor. At 4:47 in the morning on May 19th, Joshua Keith was born. What I wanted most was a drug free labor and I was able to do it, because of HypnoBirthing.

I consider Josh my practice HypnoBirthing baby, because I wasn’t sure what to expect and I know the things I want to do better.

I would recommend HypnoBirthing to all of my friends.

Thank you so much,

Danette and Andrew